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Before November, 1993 the present day Bafut Council area was a part of the Tubah Rural Council alongside Kejom Keku, Kejom Ketingoh, Bambui, Bambili. At that time, the Tubah Council was headed by a Municipal Administrator who came to power by appointment.  In November 1993, the Bafut Council was created by Presidential Decree No. 93/321 of 23/11/1993 and it became autonomous. However, the Bafut Council became functional only in 1996, three years after its creation and has been administered by the following Mayors:

July 1996 to November 2001: Che Hosea Ambe who died 3 months to the end of his mandate. Through bi elections, Tancho David Neba was elected to complete his mandate. He was assigned 3 Deputy Mayors: Akoso Henry Neba (1st Deputy), Awah Pius (2nd Deputy), Awambeng Stanislaus (3rd Deputy).

2002 to 2007: Akoso Henry was elected Mayor and his administration lasted up to 2007. He was assisted by 3 Deputy Mayors who were Richard Kande (1st Deputy), Formuh Timothy (2nd Deputy) and Awambeng Stanislaus (3rd Deputy).

2007 to 2012: Abel Ngwasoh Langsi was elected Mayor. He was assisted by 4 deputies: Federick Ambe Chebe (1st Deputy), Etong Peter Ngwa (2nd Deputy), Ngwa Comfort Lem (3rd Deputy) and Fidelis Njingang Awah (4th Deputy).

2013 to 2020: Abel Ngwasoh Langsi was Mayor for his second mandate and assisted by 4 deputies: Ngwa Nfor Ivan Wanzie (1st Deputy), Formuh Timothy (2nd Deputy), Ngwa Comfort Lem (3rd Deputy), Fidelis Njingang Awah (4th Deputy).

2020 to present: Ngwakongoh Lawrence: Mayor for his first mandate. He is assisted by 4 deputies: Lum Eps Chesi Miriam Njibamum (1st Deputy), Nchu Nfor Simon (2nd Deputy), Ambe Petoline Bih (3rd Deputy), Chief Ntonefor Kembou Nguimo 4th Deputy).

Based on the provisions of the Cameroon Council Law, the current number of Councillors for Bafut Council stand at 35, representing the 54 villages within Bafut Council Area.